04 June 2012

Tromping in the mud and kissing baby crocodiles

The last two months have been filled with lots of traveling and celebration...and a little bit of tromping in the mud. 

In April, I visited Oaxaca (both the coast and the city), Mexico City (for an MCC Mexico retreat), the indigenous community of Santa Rita, Ocosingo (for an INESIN workshop) and, more recently, the Chiapanecan coast (where I sweated buckets, ate mangoes in the ocean and took copious amounts of photos of aquatic animals). 

San Cristobal's rip-roaring fair came to town following Holy Week's festivities. INESIN celebrated its fifteenth anniversary in early May (click here to see photos), and perhaps more importantly (at least to many Mexicans), I spent Mother's Day in Tuxtla with my family. Two MCCers also recently celebrated birthdays. 

As of yesterday, the realization that I have just five and half weeks left in San Cristobal hit me hard. I hope that my rapidly-dwindling time is filled with as much life as my last few months...and a healthy amount of time getting dirty. 

1. Food

Though at moments Mexico and the United States feel worlds apart, no fair, whether here or there, is complete without a fried products stand
Feria de la Primavera y la Paz, San Cristòbal
Luckily, the youngest among us know what it means to eat healthily.
Sofia on the Canals of Xochimilco, Mexico City, MCC Mexico Retreat
Hilary eating "a little, but a lot" of her apple
Annalisa came to visit! We went to the beach and caught some fishies that became our lunch.
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Chihuahua wants to eat GIANT TLAYUDA!
Graciela`s (my host aunt) beloved pet. Also known to eat copius quantities of Maria cookies.
2. Family

We celebrated Mother`s Day (May 10) with Liliana`s family at a balenario (restaurant/pool)...it`s pretty hot in Tuxtla
Liliana, Graciela, Tìo Rodolfo, Abueltia Bertita, Abue Fer
Eduardo, trying not to drown in the deep water.

3. Friends

Some nice Mexicans invited us for a sunset boat ride at the end of a hot day at the beach.
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
In addition to people-friends, we made animal-friends: TURTLE!
Celebrating Nov-Apr birthdays at the MCC Mexico office
MCC Mexico retreat, Mexico City
The four youngest female team members :)
Photo courtesy of Miriam Harder
Ready for a day on the Canals of Xochimilco, the last remanats of the Aztec empire built on land that is now Mexico City, but was once completely covered in water
Arturo (or as Sofia calls him, Tulo)! You`re not really jumping!
Foto courtesy of MH
A day at Lagos de Colòn with Elena and other participants in INESIN`s course on Pastoral Accompaniment in Situations of Domestic Violence.
Last weekend, I went to the beach and made LOTS of new baby friends! This is baby crocodile.
Puerto Arista, Chiapas (MH)
Baby turtles
Turtle Sanctuary, Puerto Arista MH
Other baby turtle!
Mangoes at the beach with Dario, Sara, Joaquim and Miriam
Boca del Cielo, Chiapas
Here's to the next two months...

...and to more mud-tromping!
Making adobe out of dirt, water and pine needles for my co-worker Mariana's ecological house-in-progress


  1. Kelly, your blog just gets better and better. What a joy it is to see you in your current places! Wonderful pictures. And of course your comments are always beautiful too. with gratitude, Kathleen

  2. Hey, Kelly! Glad Annalisa could visit. We'll see you at her wedding. Sorry I didn't get down to see you. I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. Today I'm traveling to the Valley for a course at EMU Summer Peacebuilding Institute. I'm staying with your parents. It sounds like things are going well. We'll see you soon (bring home a turtle for Mim).
